Saturday, August 29, 2015

Calendar Reflection

Below is a panicked college student's reflection on her newly collegiate-organized schedule. 

The Pixelman. "Time, Timer, Clock, Watch, Hour" 10/29/2014 via pixabay CC0 Public Domain License. 

Mapping out my schedule confirmed what I had already known: My time is no longer my own! I do not say this grudgingly; but rather, determinedly. College is unlike anything any of us have ever attempted (even considering the abundance of AP courses we may or may have not taken). And though we may have tried to prepare ourselves for what we were"getting ourselves into," there was and still is that fresh jolt of realization. 

That being said, I am determined to make that jolt one that spurs me into action. My weekly calendar is full to the brim, with hardly a blank space in sight. My approach when it comes to homework will be one of "whenever, wherever." I have a few large gaps in between classes, in which I will set myself into the routine of finding a comfortable spot and going to work. This is the best option for me, as my night's are fairly full with my job. 

The truth will set you free (free to do homework, that is).

The most important things I learned from my classmates is that I am not alone in feeling somewhat (okay a lot) overwhelmed. We all have different aspects of our lives that we are going to have to manage in different ways now.

Jessica's post made me realize how much college really has to offer if you apply yourself. She mentioned her own participation in sports, sororities and academics, and I couldn't help but feel my own agenda was slightly inferior. We also agreed 100% that we are going to give everything our best as it is what we "signed up for." Her post gave me a renewed vigor and a sense of "I can do this!"

Trey's post was inspiring! He has a lot under his belt with nineteen units. Our plans are very similar, with homework and studying taking up every possible crack and crevice (the difference of course being he has five more units than me). Additionally, he mentioned something that made me realize you can't take college too seriously. He added that he might have to cut down his time with friends. Though I agree with this to an extent (you can't be partying every night), I do also think it's important to remember that you'll need those friends once you're officially in the real world!


  1. I like your idea because I too have a job and finding time to just sit down and do all of your work is impossible. I just need to sit down whenever I have a gap n my class and do homework, no matter how little time I think it is.

  2. I definitely agree that planning when to do homework is a little unnecessary given the volatility of our schedules and plans as college students. I like your idea of finding time when you have time because sometimes I might want to do homework and sometimes I might want to take a nap. Good luck in finding time in your busy schedule!

  3. I'm with you on making sure to fill your schedule with productive activities. I can relate to wanting to fill in any extra time with either extracurriculars and for homework. However, I don't have a job currently and cannot relate to you on that level. I'm sure you can handle all the work and you sound happily determined!

  4. I empathize with your busy schedule. Your job probably consumes at least as much time as my extra credits. Depending on what type of job you have, you may be able to work on homework during breaks. I worked as a lifeguard over the Summer and we were able to read or study on break.
